Being an adult in difficult times

Terri O'Fallon and Kim Barta
March 16, 2018

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Being an adult in difficult times
Terri O'Fallon and Kim Barta
Kultur & Gesellschaft

Kultur & Gesellschaft

About this podcast

.Thomas Steininger in dialogue with Terri O'Fallon und Kim Barta"We need more grown-ups in the room; we need adults. Our world needs adults. But what does it mean to be an adult? Our times are changing so fast. What passed for adulthood fifty or a hundred years ago no longer is up to the task. Technology, complexity, and global challenges call for a radical new understanding of what it means to be a mature, adult human being. Terri O'Fallon is a globally renowned integral researcher and theorist of adult development. Kim Barta, a master psychotherapist in California and Terri's brother, shows the importance and applicability of her research through his work."Thomas Steininger talks with Terri O'Fallon and Kim Barta about the emerging potential for being an adult human being today..

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