For thirty years, Toke Moeller has been hosting conversations that matter in a world of complexity, conflict, crisis, and division. These are the conversations that feel so necessary and yet so often are avoided.Inspired to bring people together to respond to the many conflicts that divide us, Toke trusted the human capacity for curiosity and care. With his partners, he developed The Art of Hosting, an approach to these conversations that comes from generosity--the generosity of holding a space as a host. The Art of Hosting opens up a both individual and participatory, communal form of leadership. Moeller has be part of initiating this practice into 32 countries and many different contexts across the Planet.
And there was something else that opened up in this practice. They called it "The Magic in the Middle.“ What is this magic? A magic opening to a shared perception that happens when the participants let go of their assumptions, superficial opinions and agendas and listen. Toke has reverence for this magic, feeling that it is inappropriate to try to pin it down. In a recent issue of evolve Magazin, we invited Toke to explore this magic, seeing it as a new potential for human relatedness. Leaning into this magic reveals a co-intelligence that emerges from the principles of Life itself. As he said in an interview with Elizabeth Debold,
"…real learning is the exploration of life itself, and how life can be lived in the rhythm of the harmonies of life and the structures that the universe has evolved over millions of years. We can consciously lean into it with an open heart and not wanting to misuse it or exploit it but benefit from it.
When you come to that kind of gentle, conscious space, it's like the magic of life unfolding, not the magic that you want to cook up as mysterious. When we feel that goodness, that well-being, that wish to support each other and respect each other's lives becomes more important than being right."
You are invited to join Toke Moeller and Elizabeth Debold in an inquiry into the Magic in theMiddle and the importance of hosting the conditions to create the future. How does hosting create a space for Life to unfold? What can we learn from the space between us about the future that wants to emerge? Together, we will explore questions like these. evolve Live events are a co-creation—you are part of the process through your listening, responses and questions. They are not podcasts or “talking heads.” You are invited into meaningful dialogue both with Vanessa Andreotti and with each other in small groups.
Welcome and introduction
Dialogue on the topic with Toke and Elizabeth with feedback from the plenary
Dialogue in small groups
Integration in the plenum
Toke Paludan Moeller has been pioneering in the fields of sustainable entrepreneurship, participatory leadership, educational renewal, and social responsibility since the early 1970s. He is co-founder and CEOof InterChange, a for more than profit training and process consulting company based in Denmark. He is working across the world in all kinds of contexts wherever leaders are sincerely calling for help with their transformations. He is co-creator of The Art ofHosting, The Flow Game,The Practicing for Peace dojo, former Chair of the Board of the Danish Entrepreneurs Association, longtime international professional conference organizer (PCO) and process host. I practice the Art of Self Knowledge, Meditation, Aikido - Peaceful Warriorship of the Heart, the Flow Game and the Art of Hosting.
Toke Paludan Moeller ist Mitbegründer von »The Art of Hosting«, »The Flow Game« und »The Practicing for Peace dojo« – Praktiken für eine freundlichere, menschlichere Führung und Bürgerschaft für die Zukunft von Mensch, Natur und Erde. Zusammen mit Monica Nissén ist er Mitbegründer von InterChange, einem Schulungs- und Prozessberatungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Dänemark. Toke und Monica haben mit Bildungssystemen, internationalen Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Regierungsinstitutionen, privaten Unternehmen, Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Dörfern und First Nations sowie internationalen Netzwerken auf allen Kontinenten zusammengearbeitet.
DR. ELIZABETH DEBOLD received herdoctorate in development studies and psychology from Harvard University,conducted research under the direction of Carol Gilligan and is now an authorand seminar leader. Her most recent project is the global dialog forum OneWorld in Dialogue.
Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D. is a developmental psychologist, writer, activist, researcher, and co-developer of emergent Interbeing practice. For the past decade, she has been an editor of evolve Magazin, a German-language quarterly, where she writes feature articles on gender. For over thirty years, she has been engaged in discovering and exploring the potentials of collective emergence. With her partner, Dr. Thomas Steininger, she has developed a dialogical process of “Emergent Interbeing,” that enables us to co-consciously engage with differences to create unexpected synergies. Through the platform of evolve World, she, Thomas, and their team of practitioners seek, in some small but meaningful way, to catalyze islands of coherence in a fragmented world. Through events such as the 24-hour online vigil One World Bearing Witness, she is helping to bring sacred activism into the global digital age.
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