Welcome to
evolve World

A human hive of co-creative emergence

We are a growing community of inquiry and practice that seeks to catalyze a new consciousness and culture. A culture rooted in regenerativity and guided by the mystery of emergence.

We are gathering the people, perspectives, projects, and practices to cultivate the emergent potential of interbeing.  We create spaces for developing self and society from a ground of togetherness.


We invite you to…


evolve magazine
Signposts to a new consciousness culture.


Radio evolve
Conversations from the frontier of consciousness and culture


evolve salons
Campfires for synergizing diverse perspectives


Evolve Live events
Collective learning labs for shared sense-making

Rewilding Morality through
Moral Imagination
The NexT event


We evolve
An ecology of practices for cultivating human emergence through interbeing and dialogue.


the evolve world Communiverse
An online membership community for inquiry and dialogue into the foundations of a new culture

Spiritueller Aktivismus
Spiritual Activism
Wissenschaft & Wissenschaftskritik
Science & Science Critique
Philosophie & Metamoderne
Philosophy & Metamodernism
Ökologie, Umwelt & Regenerative Praktiken
Ecology, Environment & Regenerative Practices
Kultur & Gesellschaft
Culture & Art
Technologie & Bewusstsein
Technology & Consciousness
Trans-säkulare Spiritualität
Trans-secular Spirituality

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Podcast Episodes


Magazine Articles


Salons and Labs
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