emergent dialogue
Summer Training Intensive

10 Days

July 3-13, 2024

Mani Sonnenlink

Mani Peloponnese, Greece

Marlene Potthoff, our Program Director, would be happy to speak with you.
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Do you want to midwife the world
that our hearts long for?

Become a Catalyst of emergence

This 10-day intensive training in emergent dialogue focuses on how to catalyze emergence in groups. Developed both for those familiar with emergent dialogue and for experienced facilitators, the training gives you the in-depth practice, feedback, and understanding to be able to work with the mystery of emergence in groups.

Over these 10 days, you will have the opportunity to:

Marlene Potthoff, our Program Manager, would be happy to speak with you.
Schedule a Call
Eros & the Whisper of Intuition:
Trusting the collective creative impulse
Sensing the Heideggerian Fourfold:
Earth, Sky, the Mortals, the Divinities
Cultivating Radical Openness:
How Openness Creates Openings
Process Consciousness:
Living as a Verb, Not as a Noun
Synergistic Intelligence:
Riding the currents of authenticity and emergence
The Philosophy of emergent interbeing:
Where does it come from? How does it know?
From Interpersonal to Interbeing:
Shifting our Center of Gravity
Full Presence:
Relating from Deep Authenticity & Care

Avenues of

In emergent dialogues the intelligence of the field
becomes part of the conversation. Our different perspectives cohere into a living and united creativity.

Thomas Steininger
What is a Catalyst able to do?

As a Catalyst of emergent dialogue, you can open a subtle field of coherence between group participants and work with the intelligence of the field to catalyze emergence. You intuit the synergistic potentials of the field, which enables co-conscious creativity, collective learning, and shared sense-making to arise in a group. You work with these capacities to create spaces for transformation that are psycho-active. This means that there is an X-factor involved, a mystery living within and between us, that opens up new potentials for transformation and emergence. As a Catalyst, you are an instrument of this inexpressible mystery. Aligning with the depth and flow that comes alive in the group, you help the richness and diversity within the group become powerfully synergistic.

How can you develop during the Summer Training Intensive?

The ten days of this Training Intensive will focus most on the development of the trust, sensitivity, and freedom that are foundational for a Catalyst. To have the capacity tap into the intelligence of the field takes a deep knowing—at a cellular, embodied level—that the living field is truly a dimension of perceptible reality. That it is not an idea or an experience that you have now and again. It is real.

During these ten days, we will focus on deepening our capacity to sense the collective presence of the field and the creative impulse arising from it—as Catalysts. When does the field come alive? What causes it to flatten and lose its magic? How do we care for the living space between us? What does that mean?

We will also explore the creative impulse and synergy. How do we distinguish between our own impulses and the impulse coming from the field intelligence? Can we experiment with responding before thought, to catch the wind of emergence?

The content and process of the Intensive will depend on the experience of the participants. The deeper intelligence of our interbeing will guide us.

Marlene Potthoff, our Program Manager, would be happy to speak with you.
Schedule a Call

I want to do what Augustine did as the Roman Empire was falling. He laid the foundation. He laid the cultural cognitive grammar for an entirely different culture and they stole the culture from the bottom-up.

John Vervaeke

This program is not for everyone.

This Summer Training Intensive is for you, if:

  • You love to work with groups (and have experience leading them—in whatever role or context)
  • You have been part of an emergent dialogue program and want to go further OR you are an experienced facilitator and want to learn to catalyze emergence
  • You have a longing to go beyond… yourself, the usual, the known
  • You are committed to your own development
  • You really know how to let go of your mind
  • You are self-responsible and reflective
  • You enjoy working in flow, flexible with changing plans
  • You want to live in service to something larger than yourself

This Training Intensive may not be for you, if:

  • You only work one-on-one, or don’t work with others in groups
  • You are just starting your work as a facilitator or space holder
  • You haven’t done much meditation or practice that gives you some objectivity on your mind and self-motives
  • You need strong structure from others
  • You are primarily interested in theories or models
  • Your understanding of truth is limited to scientific materialism

If you think you really have to join us this summer, but might not match the profile we are looking for, then talk to us. Tell us why.

Your Guides

Thomas Steininger


Elizabeth Debold


& Fees:

We offered this Training Intensive for the first time in the Summer of 2023, intending it to be a biannual program. The results were more than we could have imagined. So, we are offering it again this year, 2024. We still consider it a prototype, and look forward to learning what works best to deepen participants' experience and confidence. Given this, we are offering the Summer Intensive at a reduced fee.

Program Fee: 2,150.00 in either Euros or US$

Early bird registration until May 15: € or $1750.00

Please contact us if you are seriously interested in the program and would find it a hardship to pay the full fee. We do not want to turn away anyone whose heart beats for catalyzing emergence.

Accommodations, including three vegetarian meals per day: between 850€ to 1450€, depending on the type of housing.

Marlene Potthoff, our Program Manager, would be happy to speak with you.
Schedule a Call


Mani Sonnenlink, a certified BIO HOTEL, sits on the side of a steep hill overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Sunsets are stunning. Charming bungalows with balconies and “tent-houses” are nestled in the garden. The apartments have views to the sea. You can walk amidst the olive groves and meditate at a small chapel where the sun rises from the infinite horizon of the sea. Morning and evening breezes keep the sun from feeling too hot. To really cool off: A short ride brings you to spectacular beaches where the real Zorba the Greek lived his passionate life.

Established by the family that founded Mani Bläuel, the award-winning bio olive oil manufactory, the food is fresh—and so full of life. Three fully bio vegetarian meals are served each day. The food is simple and simply delicious. The basics of the famed Mediterranean diet—tomatoes, basil, oregano, sheep feta, olives, and, of course, olive oil—are here in abundance. Each meal is a celebration of life.

Become certified as a Catalyst for emergent dialogue

This 10-day live, face-to-face, shoulder-to-shoulder event is part of our Catalyst certification process. It fulfills the requirement to take part in an on-location event for certification; the remaining training can be done online. To find out more about certification, click here.

Marlene Potthoff, our Program Manager, would be happy to speak with you.
Schedule a Call