emergent dialogue

a practice for living interbeing

The Three Core Modules

Starting Wednesday, September 27th, 2024

What is emergent dialogue

emergent dialogue

is a practice of living interbeing. It empowers you to become part of a new culture of creative togetherness. Through this collective practice, you become an agent of emergence, discovering how to synergize diversity from the ground of wholeness. Emergent dialogue is neither simply a method nor a technique, but is the expression of a new possibility for human culture. Taking the most fundamental human activity—speaking with each other—this practice transforms dialogue into a powerful shared space of curiosity, reverence, meaningfulness, and potential.

emergent dialogue

takes us beyond interpersonal relationship into the dimension of interbeing where co-consciousness and co-intelligence thrive as a new human potential.

In emergent dialogue, the intelligence of the field
becomes part of the conversation. Our different perspectives cohere into a living and united creativity.
Thomas Steininger
emergent dialogue

catalyzes a collective sense-making that arises from the space between us—a space that has an intelligence greater than any of us individually. The longing for wholeness, connection, and depth transforms into a creative life force when we each dare to open ourselves to the heart’s deepest demand.

emergent dialogue

is a practice ideal for culture changers, intentional communities, social entrepreneurs, and pioneers of the human spirit. It is for anyone who wants to step beyond the boundaries of the known to find out what wants to emerge from the living intelligence that we share.

Stealing the culture...

This is an invitation “to steal the culture,” as cognitive scientist John Vervaeke would say. Taking it back from the power players that are profiting from us so that connection and interbeing become the ground of our lives and culture. Not only is this practice a means to transform and enliven the work you do with others, it is also in itself an answer to the increasing limitations and dangers of the modern Western mode of thinking and being. The ongoing practice of emergent dialogue—carried into your life and work, relationships and projectsbecomes part of a radical experiment to shift the axis of Western culture from separation and division to entangled, interdependent interbeing

I want to do what Augustine did as the Roman Empire was falling. He laid the foundation. He laid the cultural cognitive grammar for an entirely different culture and they stole the culture from the bottom-up.
John Vervaeke

As a practitioner of emergent dialogue, you join in a bottom-up process of creating transformative microcultures in which joy, intimacy, awe, freedom, and collective insight are unleashed between us. You learn to navigate complexity from wholeness. Learning how to perceive and become available to this synergetic interbeing is the foundation of a new, transindividuated self sense—one that includes and transcends our individuality. Through emergent dialogue, your relationships and projects become part of a network of experiments that can lay the foundation for the future.

emergent dialogue is a psycho-active technology--a group practice to tap into the emergent future.
Pamela von Sabljar
There is a human potential here that is not on our maps of development. A collective field of love and intelligence is becoming available between us. This transforms who we are and what is possible for us to create together.
Elizabeth Debold
Our Guides
Thomas Steininger
Elizabeth Debold
1. interbeing and field intelligence
SEPTEMBER 27, 2023
Explore Module
2. friction and synergy
JANUARY 17, 2024
Explore Module
3. collective learning & shared sense-making
APRIL 24, 2024
Explore Module