Open We Space Lab

Every first Tuesday of the month


Dr. Elizabeth Debold
Mike Kauschke
Maria Zacherl
Dr. Elizabeth Debold
Maria Zacherl
Dr. Elizabeth Debold
Mike Kauschke
Maria Zacherl

We invite you to experience a new horizon of shared creativity from 7:30 to 9:30pm CET (1:30pm to 3:30pm US-EDT). (To find the time at your location, check World Time Buddy.) We meet via Zoom video conferencing, which allows you to participate from wherever you are.

What is a "we space"?

Every one of us is always in a “we space.” All life exists in relatedness. When we speak of “We Space” work, the aim is to bring our awareness to the subtle reality of our already-relatedness. You could call this the next step in mindfulness work, a collective consciousness practice that some call “psycho-active.” When people meet in mindful awareness, a new potential for a co-conscious creativity and synergy emerges. Conscious We-Space practice helps us cultivate this potential between us. It gives us an inspiring glimpse into a dynamic new cultural potential.  

What happens in the Open We Space Lab?

(Please check the time at your location with World Time Buddy. Times given below are approximate.)

19:30 CET Elizabeth Debold opens the Lab with an introduction to different aspects of We-Space practice. Participants are invited to join in a collective dialogue and explore the topic further.

20:00 The introduction is followed by a 30-minute meditation.

20:30 After the group has meditated in silence, the second part of the shared dialogue begins, supported by our catalyst team.

21:25 Wrap up and closing.

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What do we mean by "We Space"?

“We Space” is a term that has a lot of different meanings. There is always a “We” that each of us is in at any moment. For these Open Labs, the term “We Space” refers to a practice of conscious interbeing where a co-conscious and co-creative intelligence becomes perceptible and available between us. This practice opens us to a wholeness that exists in the deeper and more subtle dimensions of human perception. This awareness of interbeing can emerge  between sensitive people who are curious about what is possible. By cultivating our sensing capacities, this practice brings us to a new way of being and creating together that has far-reaching consequences for our culture.

This particular practice of we-work started in the 1990s as a collective spiritual practice in an intentional community, and has since evolved through the work of Thomas Steininger, Elizabeth Debold, and their core team/partners as a dialogue practice that facilitates the emergence of new cultural experiments of living connection and creative synergy.

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Dr. Elizabeth Debold

Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D. is a developmental psychologist, writer, activist, researcher, and co-developer of emergent Interbeing practice. For the past decade, she has been an editor of evolve Magazin, a German-language quarterly, where she writes feature articles on gender. For over thirty years, she has been engaged in discovering and exploring the potentials of collective emergence. With her partner, Dr. Thomas Steininger, she has developed a dialogical process of “Emergent Interbeing,” that enables us to co-consciously engage with differences to create unexpected synergies. Through the platform of evolve World, she, Thomas, and their team of practitioners seek, in some small but meaningful way, to catalyze islands of coherence in a fragmented world. Through events such as the 24-hour online vigil One World Bearing Witness, she is helping to bring sacred activism into the global digital age.


Mike Kauschke is the senior editor of evolve Magazin, an author, and a freelance translator with a focus on books with spiritual and integral themes, including works by Steve McIntosh, Frederic Laloux, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Rick Hanson, and Richard Rohr. He practiced and studied Zen Buddhism with teachers in Germany and the United States and worked in hospice care. For over ten years he has been involved in the practice and development of an evolutionary spirituality and is a dialogue facilitator for the emergent dialogue.

Mike Kauschke ist Redaktionsleiter von evolve, Dialogbegleiter, freier Übersetzer und Autor von »Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Welt: Eine Reise zur poetischen Dimension unseres Lebens« und »Im Gespräch mit der lebendigen Welt: Poetische Wege zu einem schöpferischen und sinnerfüllten Sein« (ist im April 2024 erschienen).

Maria Zacherl

Maria Zacherl has been leading our annual international meditation marathon for many years. Her great passion is meditation and emergent dialogues, which she regularly practices as a dialogue facilitator. In both, meditation and dialogue, she experiences the potential for concrete change. For her, the development of humanity is the top priority, as a direct result of the transformative power of meditation and the experience of non-separation in dialogue. In her everyday life, this is also particularly noticeable in her work as a naturopath. In this deeper and transformed togetherness, a completely new basis for treatment emerges, and thus for her, spiritual practice never stops outside of meditation and dialogue times.

Maria Zacherl leitet seit vielen Jahren unseren jährlichen, internationalen Meditationsmarathon. Ihre große Leidenschaft gehört der Meditation und den emergent dialogues, die sie regelmäßig als Dialogbegleiterin praktiziert. In beidem zusammen, Meditation und Dialog, erlebt sie das Potenzial für konkrete Veränderung. Dabei steht für sie an erster Stelle die Entwicklung von Menschlichkeit, als ein direktes Resultat der transformativen Kraft der Meditation und der Erfahrung der Ungetrenntheit im Dialog. In ihrem Alltag macht sich das vor allem auch in ihrem Beruf als Heilpraktikerin bemerkbar. In diesem tieferen und transformierten Miteinander zeigt sich eine vollkommen neue Behandlungsbasis und somit hört für sie auch außerhalb der Praxiszeiten für Meditation und Dialog die spirituelle Praxis nie auf.

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We offer the Open We Space Lab as a gift, for free, as part of the Gift Economy. If you would like to make a gift in return, please donate.
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